Pregnant Mom Needs Support – LIFT 312

  • $469.15

    Funding Goal
  • $494.15

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
  • Goal and Date

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
The campaign is successful.

A single mom of 4 and one on the way is in need of help with some past bills keeping her from obtaining housing for her family. Mom is currently due in October and has been staying with friends in order to keep herself and her children from living in a shelter. The family was a part of connect housing until July 1st and now has to find a place for her family to live, but some past utility bills are prohibiting her from being accepted into a new housing complex. Mom was involved in Blueprints Work Ready and never missed a class and was able to obtain her drivers license. She also has completed 3 out of 4 parts of her GED through Blueprints Family Literacy Program and is working towards her final part. She is hopeful she will be able to obtain work after completing her GED. This support will allow a family of 5, soon to be 6, to have a home of their own.

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