Communication Crisis – LIFT 303

  • $135.00

    Funding Goal
  • $135.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
  • Goal and Date

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
The campaign is successful.

A single mom of three young children is in need of a way to communicate with family in case of an emergency with her children. Mom is searching for a full-time job and is need of reliable telephone service in order to take calls regarding her applications and interviews. Her children are involved with Blueprints Early Learning Program. Her phone only currently works on WiFi and is very unreliable. When she leaves the house or has a babysitter, she has no way to reach anyone or be reached in case of an emergency. This support will allow peace of mind for her family in case of an emergency, as well as provide a reliable contact number for her to be reached regarding job opportunities.

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