Aspiring for More – LIFT 202

  • $588.44

    Funding Goal
  • $588.44

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
  • Goal and Date

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
The campaign is successful.

A single mom local to the area has fought her way out of a bad situation and is looking to get her feet planted on the ground once again. This mom and her 3 year old daughter recently escaped a domestic violence situation and have been staying at a family shelter. She was able to set up housing for her and her daughter and they will be moving in soon. Mom is currently unemployed, but has a job lined up as soon as she can get her vehicle road ready. The vehicle is in need of a new windshield and insurance in order to pass inspection. Once the up front costs for insurance are paid, she will be able to obtain employment and secure a consistent budget to make insurance payments. This LIFT will allow her to obtain employment and consistently take her daughter to school and appointments, as well as give this family the hand they need to start over.

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