Trinity School District

Showing 1–12 of 18 results


Inspection for Work – LIFT 341

A single mom of two children involved in Blueprints Early Learning, is in need of some help to get her vehicle

$80.00 Raised 100.00%
$80.00 Funding Goal
0 Days to go

New Starter For Work – LIFT 334

A single mom is in need of help to make repairs to her vehicle. Mom works full-time and has her son in Blueprints

$276.00 Raised 100.00%
$276.00 Funding Goal
0 Days to go

Fuel for Family – LIFT 326

A full-time working foster mom is in the middle of adopting twins and is in need of some support. In order for mom to

$200.00 Raised 100.00%
$200.00 Funding Goal
0 Days to go

8 Children in Need – LIFT 319

A single mom of 8 children involved in Blueprints Early Learning Program is in need of support to obtain some needed

$350.00 Raised 100.00%
$350.00 Funding Goal
0 Days to go

Off to Work – LIFT 310

A single working mom is in need of repairs to her vehicle so she is able to continue working. Mom and child are

$1,431.00 Raised 100.00%
$1,431.00 Funding Goal
0 Days to go

Vehicle Remedy – LIFT 305

A couple with a child involved in Blueprints Early Learning Program is in need of a LIFT to get their family vehicle

$488.00 Raised 100.00%
$488.00 Funding Goal
0 Days to go

Bed for Baby – LIFT 291

A large family of 9 involved in Blueprints Early Learning, is in need of a crib and mattress for their new baby. Mom

$148.00 Raised 100.00%
$148.00 Funding Goal
0 Days to go

Pregnant Mom in Need – LIFT 288

A married couple with 7 children, some of whom are involved in Blueprints Early Learning, are in need of new tires for

$467.00 Raised 100.00%
$467.00 Funding Goal
0 Days to go

Blown Tire – LIFT 280

A single mom involved in Blueprints Early Learning program is in need of a new tire to get to work. Mom has a brand

$85.80 Raised 100.00%
$85.80 Funding Goal
0 Days to go

Tough Circumstances – LIFT 260

A single foster parent involved in Blueprints Early Learning program, is in need of food, diapers and wipes during

$200.00 Raised 100.00%
$200.00 Funding Goal
0 Days to go

Employment for Family – LIFT 224

A couple dedicated to make a better life for their family is in need of a LIFT to get them to that point. Mom is

$263.36 Raised 100.00%
$263.36 Funding Goal
0 Days to go

Back On Track – LIFT 213

A single mom that escaped a domestic violence situation needs A Little LIFT to help her get back on track. This mom

$400.00 Raised 100.00%
$400.00 Funding Goal
0 Days to go