Monongahela School District

Showing all 3 results


Clearance for Employment – LIFT 309

A single mom of three that lost her employment due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, is in need of a LIFT to obtain her

$32.00 Raised 100.00%
$32.00 Funding Goal
0 Days to go

Stroll Towards Success – LIFT 244

A single teen parent is in need of a stroller for her child. Mom is a single teen parent enrolled in cyber school to

$100.00 Raised 100.00%
$100.00 Funding Goal
0 Days to go

Needed Nutrients – LIFT 211

A pregnant single mom is in need of A Little LIFT to replace her stove so she can once again cook healthy meals for

$279.00 Raised 100.00%
$279.00 Funding Goal
0 Days to go